September 15, 2020

Update on COVID-19 at Donald Berman Maimonides

To the families of Donald Berman Maimonides,

We recently advised you there was one active Covid-19 case at Maimonides, which I am pleased to report has now been resolved. The patient has recovered and is well.

While there are currently zero Covid-19 cases at Maimonides, we are remaining vigilant and on high alert as Fall approaches. To prevent another outbreak, the utmost caution is being taken by all staff members and visitors from the community.

Our Staff

The past 6 months have been challenging for everyone, and on the eve of Rosh Hashanah, we wish to acknowledge and thank a few individuals who are responsible for the overall care of residents.

Our site coordinator Jennifer Clarke, and her team of head nurses especially Covid-19 Cohort RN Annie Boto have worked countless hours organizing, supporting and ensuring the best care possible for residents. Without their leadership, dedication and professionalism we would never have been able to weather the Covid-19 outbreak of the spring and summer. In addition, they have continued to adapt and respond creatively in order to ensure residents and families are as comfortable as possible.

There are currently 8 regular physicians and one Nurse Practitioner that are responsible for the units at Maimonides. Usually we are responsible as a group for 50 hours of care per week inside the building and available the remainder of the week by phone 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. During the pandemic, the team was on site for over 240 hours per week. We were incredibly fortunate to receive emergency medical staffing from 15 additional community MD’s to help manage the surge of Covid-19 cases. The medical staff was extraordinarily dedicated and responsive to the needs of residents and their families, and the entire community is grateful.

We would also like to express our gratitude to the members of frontline staff at Maimonides – many of whom contracted COVID-19 during the outbreak. Despite strained resources, many unknowns and fear for their own health and safety, the nurses, PABs, allied health all adhered to Infectious Disease protocols by donning scrubs and full PPE. This ensured residents received the safest and best care possible.

We are also grateful to the health care professionals from within the CIUSSS and from other institutions in the network who came to our aid. The Canadian Armed Forces played an important role in containing the outbreak, assisting nurses, observing staff and decontaminating the Covid Cohort.
It is thanks to everyone’s dedication that we were able to make it through these past 6 months. While too numerous to name in a communication like this, it is important to recognize and thank each and every one for their contribution.

Stay Vigilant

At the same time, as young people return to school and many start to return to work, we urge everyone to remain vigilant in order to help us prevent a second wave from entering the building.
Family gatherings that include our residents where others are unmasked represents, even if only with close family, a risky endeavor. Excursions to any indoor locations – even if masked as well – should be avoided as much as possible to prevent the opportunity for a resident to encounter the virus. Now is not the time to take chances.

Traditions and the High Holidays

With the Jewish high holidays quickly approaching, we have received many questions on how we can celebrate in a safe manner. The holidays mark the beginning of a new chapter, and our hope is that this coming year will be better than the last.

On Rosh Hashanah, the most important mitzvah is to hear the blasts of the shofar.
We are pleased to report that ahead of his move to Israel, Rabbi Michael Wolff will be blowing the shofar for our residents on Rosh Hashanah. Weather permitting this will be outdoors, but if necessary, indoors on each floor. In addition, we have consulted with the infection control teams to discuss the safest way to blow a shofar should the indoor option be necessary.

Thank you for your understanding and support.

Shana Tova Umetuka – Happy New Year.
May this coming year bring us health, happiness and a COVID-19 vaccine.

Your Maimonides Medical Chiefs of Staff,

Dr. Jack Gaiptman
Dr. Kris MacMahon